To reset soft fudge return it to the pot and add in 1 to 1 12 cups of water per batch of fudge. Store in the fridge or the freezer if you dont devour it right away.
How long do I need to beat the fudge.
My fudge didn t set what can i do. Mine didnt set either. Amy I just searched to see why my fudge didnt set and Im pretty sure its because it wasnt hot enough or cook long enough. Im too impatient to reheat it so Ill probably throw it away and make a new one.
How can I tell if my candy thermometer is working right. Your candy thermometer should read 212 F when placed in boiling water. If it doesnt you need a new one.
How quickly should my fudge set. You shouldnt judge your fudge set until it has completely cooled. How long do I need to beat the fudge.
If your fudge didnt set it probably wasnt heated hot enough. You can put the fudge back on the stove with 1 cup of water and heat until the candy thermometer reads 235 - 245 degrees F. If your fudge will not set after heating and stirring but it does not have a grainy texture you have cooled your fudge properly but.
Can you fix fudge that didnt set. - Wikipedikia Encyclopedia. I generally heat my syrup up to 235 F and let carry-over do the rest of the work.
If its overcooked resulting in grainy fudge or undercooked resulting in poor setting all you really need to do is add a bit of cream reheat the fudge to the target temperature and let it set again. My fudge didnt set either I figured because I used chocolate peanut butter chips. Something I have never used before.
I wasnt about to give up. I went and bought chocolate bark for use of candy. Put 4 chip of them in a bowl and re-heated and put in icebox.
Also question is Can I Reboil fudge that didnt set. What Should You Do If Your Fudge Didnt Set. Let the fudge completely dissolve within the water on medium heat before bringing it up to a boil.
Bring the fudge back to boiling temperature 212 F. Cook at the temperature specified at the recipe again and then take it off the heat. This year I had my husband make the fudge and something went terribly wrong.
I wasnt watching so I dont know he insists he followed the recipe but the fudge didnt set its just like this really thick gloopy consistency. You cant slice it but you can scoop it. Its a double batch so the thought of pitching it kills me but theres sooo.
If it doesnt you should calibrate it or invest in a new one. Many people overcook fudge because of faulty or broken thermometers. Once the sugar has dissolved and the mixture has come to a boil do not stir it.
If you do the sugar can crystallize giving your fudge a gritty texture. As you beat the fudge pay attention to color and texture. Fudge specifically old-fashioned fudge needs to be cooked to a certain temperature and with the ingredients correctly mixed in to have that smooth creamy solid-soft consistency its known for.
Old-fashioned fudges do not use marshmallows or condensed milk to help them set and solidify so. If your fudge will not set after heating and stirring but it does not have a grainy texture you have cooled your fudge properly but you did not heat it to high enough a temperature during the cooking stage. To reset soft fudge return it to the pot and add in 1 to 1 12 cups of water per batch of fudge.
The Vanilla Fudge is the best-tasting fudge ever. But I have made it twice and both times it doesnt want to set. When I take it out of the fridge its still mushy.
I can cut it in blocks and take it out of the container but it squishes. What am I doing wrong. Stove is on medium and it cooks for 22 minutes.
Dont worry if sugar crystals form. They will dissolve when you warm the fudge over medium-high heat stirring vigorously all the while. If you want a thinner sauce heat a splash of milk or cream in the saucepan first then add a few spoonfuls of chocolate.
I think the problem was not boiling it for long enough I dont have a sugar thermometer. If the situation is desperate I would put it all back in a saucepan tomorrow and try boiling it for longer. If less desperate I would leave that lot buy new ingredients and try again.
If you have a candy thermometer insert the thermometer and try to bring the fudge to about 240 degrees F. Before removing it from the heat and then stirring it like crazy. I know my arms get so tired when I am stirring fudge.
I do my best to talk my husband into stirring for a few minutes when I can but this part mustnt be skipped. Harden the fudge. Place your container or tins in the fridge for two hours or in the freezer if you want it to set more quickly.
Once its hardened cut the fudge into 12 pieces or remove it from the muffin tins. Store in the fridge or the freezer if you dont devour it right away.