To fix soft fudge or hard fudge simply follow these easy steps. If its overcooked resulting in grainy fudge or undercooked resulting in poor setting all you really need to do is add a bit of cream reheat the fudge to the target temperature and let it set again.
Use a candy thermometer or conduct a cold water test to check if the fudge is done.
My fudge is too soft what can i do. Just so how do you fix condensed milk fudge that is too soft. To fix soft fudge or hard fudge simply follow these easy steps. Scrape the fudge back into a large saucepan and add 1 12 cups of water.
Stir the fudge over low heat until it dissolves. Carefully taste the mixture as the water probably diluted the flavor. Simply scrape the fudge back into a saucepan and add 15 cups of water.
Place it over low heat and stir until the fudge has dissolved and is blended with the water. Increase the heat to medium and bring it to a boil washing down the sides of the pan frequently with a wet pastry brush to prevent sugar crystals. MY CAKE IS TOO SOFT.
Of course if your fudge has a distinctly burnt or scorched flavor youll have to start over with a fresh batch. To fix soft fudge or hard fudge simply follow these easy steps. Scrape the fudge back into a large saucepan and add 1 12 cups of water.
Stir the fudge over low heat until it dissolves. You can reheat it on a very very low flame until it gets softer do not let it sieze and mix in nuts cereal like Chex or shredded wheat MMs and pretzels. Coat everything spoon out blops on to wax paper and refrigerate.
Or use it for milkshakes or dipping. For fudge to get firm put in refrigerator after ingredients is melted and put in choice of container. I used 3 cups chocolate chips 1 can condensed sweetened milk 1 tablespoons of butter 1 or 2 tsp of vanilla.
You can top with chopped nuts sprinkles or any small candies. Use condensed sweetened milk that has no type of oil in the ingredients. One easy thing to do seems to be to harden too-soft fudge you need to reheat and re-beat the fudge to get it to the right consistency.
Reply Was this helpful. Can I throw soft fudge into the oven to. The soft ball stage is the point when the melted sugar in the fudge reaches 236 degrees.
Cooler than that it remains grainy. Without a candy thermometer you can test the cooked sugar with what is called a cold water method. Fill a small glass with ice and cover it with water until it is ice cold.
I generally heat my syrup up to 235 F and let carry-over do the rest of the work. If its overcooked resulting in grainy fudge or undercooked resulting in poor setting all you really need to do is add a bit of cream reheat the fudge to the target temperature and let it set again. This year I had my husband make the fudge and something went terribly wrong.
I wasnt watching so I dont know he insists he followed the recipe but the fudge didnt set its just like this really thick gloopy consistency. You cant slice it but you can scoop it. Its a double batch so the thought of pitching it kills me but theres sooo.
Can you revive dried out fudge. Oct 16 2010 0343 PM 2. My sweet daughter gifted me with a large chub of chocolate fudge that she bought while driving cross country from MD to CA.
Unfortunately it was only stored in waxed paper bag and therefore dried out in transit. Place a piece of bread or a damp paper towel in the bag. Seal the bag closed and let the fudge set over night.
The fudge will soften as it absorbs the moisture released by the paper towel or bread. The fudge isnt crumbly but dry and hard hard enough that I dont want to risk my coffee grinder with it. Is there a way to make it soft again.
Or just break it to small pieces somehow or soak in coffee or something. Between my misunderstanding about crackers on Tuesday and yesterdays leftover turkey recipe round-up. I fixed my taffy fudge too.
Cheri Thank you I saved my runny fudge by listening to your advise I put it back in pan and added 4 to 5 big tablespoons of powder sugar did not even boil it I just warmed to runny er stagelol then adden only 12 cup of choc chips. Soooo wonderful it was perfect. If it forms a soft ball that flattens easily between your fingers its ready.
Give it a Beating After cooking your fudge to the correct temperature youre still not home free. The next step is to cool the sugar syrup until its barely warm about 110 F and then beat it. Use a candy thermometer or conduct a cold water test to check if the fudge is done.
Do not rely on the cooking time indicated in your recipe. The fudge is ready when a candy thermometer reads between 112 to 114 C 234 to 237 F or the mixture forms a soft ball. Bread in a Bag Place the hard fudge in a plastic bag.
Place a piece of bread or a damp paper towel in the bag. Seal the bag closed and let the fudge set over night. The fudge will soften as it absorbs the moisture released by the paper towel or bread.